Monday, October 22, 2007

Assignment 5,3 - Articles


APA Citiation:
Baniulis, K., Reklaitis, V. & Stuopys, E. (2001). Interactive multimedia authoring tool for web-based testing. In C. Montgomerie & J. Viteli (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2001 (pp. 84-85). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

URL for the article:

Article Category:

Web-based instruction should be integration with the standard curriculum.


APA Citation:
Vannatta, R. (2000). Evaluation to Planning: Technology Integration in a School of Education. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education. 8 (3), pp. 231-246. Charlottesville, VA: AACE.


Article Category:

It shows how technology has created a digital divide and the implementation of a plan.


APA Citation
Education Week, 5/9/2007, Vol. 26 Issue 36, p20-23, 2p; (AN 25097194)


Artice Category:
What is the overall outcome and who does it effect?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Assignment 4 - Lauer Chapters 5 & 6

Assignment 4, Lauer Chpaters 5 & 6

Locate a quantitative study. Then provide the following:

a) Correct APA style bibliographical reference and URL for the study

Ainsworth, S. (2007). Using a Single Authoring Environment across the Lifespan of Learning. Educational Technology & Society, 10 (3), 22-31.

b). List and Explain the research method.

This research is Using a single Authoring Environment across the Lifespan of Learning. This research is to determine whether or not it is possible to achieve effective learning environments from a generic tool and could be used across the whole lifespan of learning.

c). Explain the research method, any instruments and how they were developed or chosen. Be sure to indicate the type of instrument (survey, interview, focus group etc.)

This was 10 year research so many studies were involved. The research use was usability. Each author was timed while experimenting with the tool. Their times were measured from the first time of use to the second time of use. Each author was also interviewed about the usability and their satisfaction.

d). List the research question and the answers the study arrived at for those questions.

Can a single authoring environment be sufficiently general to be applicable to contexts across the whole lifespan of learning, but still be able to create effective learning environments?

Conclusion was that many authors found the system to be easy to use and could create learning environment in a time efficient way.

e). Evaluate the effectiveness of the research design, methods and instrument(s) of this study.

There were many research designs to this study, which creates validity. Some of the study focused on the author’s usability and functionality. The learner focused study used some questionnaires to obtain data – the quasi-experimental studies was also used. The overall effectiveness of the research was that it provided better support for learning than original courseware.

List a qualitative study. Then provide the following:

a). Correct APA style bibliographical reference and URL for the study

Wolpers, M., Najjar, J., Verbert, K., & Duval, E. (2007). Tracking Actual Usage: the Attention Metadata Approach. Educational Technology & Society, 10 (3), 106-121.

b). List and Explain the research method.

“Tracking Actual Usage: the Attention Metadata Approach”

The purpose of this qualitative study was to create new methods for teachers and students in dealing with the vast amount of available information and learning materials. The study is to capture behavioral information of users in learning context that can be used to deal with the information overload in user centric ways.

c). Explain the research method and how it was chosen.

The research methods used are observations of the users, while encouraging them is deal with large amounts of information, and the other method is retrieving data from metadata framework a information managing system that collects data, while determining the users actions and behaviors.

This method was chosen because research in the past focused on hypothesis that the attention information supported the correct conclusion.

d). List any research questions and the answers the study arrived at for those questions.

How contextualized attention metadata can use collected from several tools, the merging of the data steams into a repository and finally the correlation of the data.

A simple conceptual attention metadata framework that uses the Attention XML schema to capture attention metadata in learning systems was used. It started with the collection of contextualized attention metadata that describes in detail in which context a user spends her attention on which content.

e). Evaluate the effectiveness of the research design, methods, and instruments(s) of
this study.

They study was effective because they were able to get the appropriate feedback through observation and metadata software. The research shows what areas the users effectively used and what areas the teacher can focus on to condensed the information. However, the research is based on individuality of the user interest and behaviors. Therefore, the study is only based on one context of the user and similar others. Additional research will be needed for finalization.

Assignment 3 - Lauer Chpaters 3 & 4

Explain the key differences between descriptive and experimental research.

Descriptive research and experimental research are two types of education research; however, they both collect data, but use different designs to obtain their desirable outcomes.

A descriptive research design is simple description, which is collecting data to describe organizations, persons, settings, or phenomena. Comparative descriptive- gives a description and compares two or more groups of participants. Correlational is used to describe the statistical association between two or more variables.

Explain correlational research.

Correlational research is a descriptive research design and is used to describe statistical association between variables. An example would be two different classrooms, teaching the same curriculum, but using two different teaching techniques. The researcher would use the data to predict what technique is more effective, if there is a difference.

Explain the key difference between quantitative and qualitative research.

Quantitative research uses numbers and measurements. Quantitative research the data are narrative descriptions and observations. This type of research uses a more natural and uncontrolled setting. Special methods such as case study and ethnography are use in this research as well.

What is action research?

Action research is different from other education research in its goals and features. This type of research data is collected about current education practice or program and the resulting outcomes. It has a action plan that develops and implements an improvement plan, collects data after changes have been made and ultimately develops the conclusion about the results of the improvement plan.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Assignment #2 - Belmont Report

  1. What are some of the events that caused the Belmont report to be written?

Events that caused the Belmont of to be written was the abuse and rules of governing humans in biomedical experiments during World War II. The Numremerberg Code contributed in the foundation of the Belmont Report. The Tuskegee syphillis study of the 1940's used disadvantaged black men is another reason why the reported was generated.

Through the evidence of this report it is evident that researchers have guidelines, when it come to ethical rights. In 1974 the National Research Act was established which created a protection

2. What are the "Basic Ethical Principles" cited in the Belmont Report?

These principals cited were the respectfor human subjects in research of persons, benedicence and justice

3. How are the Basic Ethical Principals" assured in research practice?

All persons consenting to the research should first get all the information about the research, and that they fully understand; what the procedure(s) are, the risks, benefits and the knowledge that it on a voluntary basis only.

The all treatment must be humane, regardless of the consent of the subject and those willing to volunteer for the research must not be discriminated against. Their age, race and mentality must not be a factor in the selection process.

With theses practices in place, the issue of justice is addressed. Each subject will have full knowledge of the research, risk, benefits, procedures, and something to validate their safety and how the research is conducted.

Assignment 1 - Introduction

Hello Fellow Classmates!

Hi, my name is Renee Ricks and I've been in the Business Technology/ Management arena as an instructor for the last 10 years. This class is an elective for me, although, I really enjoy the spectrum on technology. I hoping to finish my Master's Degree in the near future. In the future I plan to persue my another degree or certificate in Instructional Technology.

Right now there is no spare, BUT if I had some I enjoy listening to music and being outdoors.